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If You Build It, They Will Come: How to Get More Followers on Social Media
Social Media Strategy
You have a great website, a kick-butt Facebook page, and a riveting Twitter feed. Both of your fans really love it. If social media were just about being creative and having fun, we’d say that you’re doing great and should just keep going. But for businesses, social media is not just for fun and games… it’s where customers are earned, sales are closed, and dreams are realized.
So if the size of your audience could use …

How to Turn Your Social Communities into a Troll-Free Zone
Tips & How To’s
Your social communities may be a breeding ground for a whole new type of enemy; the troll. You know what I’m talking about, the guy that jumps in on any opportunity to bash your company, the customer who spews seething hatred no matter what you do to help them, or the girl who waits in the wings for a customer to say something nice just so she can attack them. This kind of troll isn’t …