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Case Studies and Tips to Make Your Facebook Contest a Winner
Case Studies
A Facebook page can be an essential element to a business’s social media marketing success (especially for an e-commerce business), but simply creating your account isn’t enough. “If you build it, they will come” might sound great in baseball movies, but in the real world such an approach can leave your business floundering well under the league average. Creating real success on Facebook requires that you give people a reason to visit, follow and interact …

How to Boost Engagement with a Hashtag Photo Contest in 10 Easy Steps
Tips & How To’s
Have you ever thought running a photo contest would be a big hassle?
It’s not at all. Collecting pictures from customers is easy, and in a short amount of time, you can build a virtual photo album that demonstrates just how awesome you and your products are.
Introducing the #Hashtag Photo Contest
If you’ve ever used Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram you are no doubt familiar with the humble hashtag. Aside from being a “clever” way to make a …