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How to Promote an Event Using Social Media
Social Media Strategy
Social media is a great channel for promoting events. It’s not only a great way to reach your fans, but also a great way to expand your reach through shares and retweets. Promoting events like seminars, webinars, special guests, product demonstrations, conferences and concerts using social media can be effective if you follow these guidelines.
Here are 7 tips to show you how to promote an event using social media.
1Tell them why they’ll benefit
Make sure your …

Social Media for Restaurants: Easy Restaurant Marketing Ideas From Indulgence Pastry Shop & Cafe
Case Studies
As the co-owner of the Indulgence Pastry Shop & Cafe, Executive Pastry Chef Sean Wojtkowski adds a creative flair not only to his creations but also to his social media activities. Sean manages to mix a daily fare of interesting social posts with highly successful restaurant promotion ideas, including giveaways and campaigns on their social networks. These activities keep fans engaged and provide a ‘behind-the-scenes’ look into the cafe.
“As a business owner, our biggest social …

The NonProfit Social Media Strategy That Works For Nashville AMA
Case Studies
For Julie McReynolds, Social Media Manager for the Nashville chapter of the American Marketing Association (NAMA), maintaining a steady drumbeat of posts on social media networks can be quite a challenge.
At any time, there are many diverse events, announcements, and initiatives going on which all require a marketing campaign to help get the word out about them. For example, their nonprofit social media strategy involves getting the word out about special interest group meetings (SIGs) …

How to Boost Engagement with a Hashtag Photo Contest in 10 Easy Steps
Tips & How To’s
Have you ever thought running a photo contest would be a big hassle?
It’s not at all. Collecting pictures from customers is easy, and in a short amount of time, you can build a virtual photo album that demonstrates just how awesome you and your products are.
Introducing the #Hashtag Photo Contest
If you’ve ever used Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram you are no doubt familiar with the humble hashtag. Aside from being a “clever” way to make a …